NEWS: Prodigy's Farewell Concert
So, out comes G-Unit’s newest addition, Maserati Fox with his Dumb Out clique. Three atrocious songs (in which Maserati didn’t rap any full verses), 10,000 cries of “G-G-G-G-Unit!” and 234,000 calls of “Dumb Out” later, the most exciting thing to grace the stage up to that point makes its timely arrival… a plastic beer cup, which pelts Maserati square in the sternum. After a look too priceless for words, Maserati Ron Artests it into the crowd, his whole gang of Dumb Out goons right behind. As they search for the cup-thrower, the rest of the crowd is teetering over whether they want the night to become brawl at The Palace II and collectively stomp this G-Unit clown, or wait peacefully while Maserati gets brought back to the stage and the night goes forward as planned, a bit ahead of schedule. Read TSS's full recap of the night here.

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