NEWS: Jim Jones Calls Hell Rell 'Just A Pawn'

AHH: Hell Rell’s recent comments about you do seem to suggest a divide in the group…
Jim Jones Hell Rell and 40 Cal, that’s a touchy situation. If you listen to Hell Rell, he made a couple of statements that he retracted in his recent interviews. But I heard him on a few more interviews and he refused to say anything crazy out his mouth. Hell Rell is just an artist. If you want to put it in street terms, he’s just a soldier. If you want to put it in chess, he’s just a pawn, you smell me? So his opinion really don’t make no money, regardless how you say it, so the shit don’t count. He’s like a kid who feels like his parents are going through a divorce, which they’re not. He’s just venting how he feels, but he’s opinionless, really, if you look at it. He had an album coming out, he was trying.
Ouch. I feel a mediocre diss track coming.
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